Ireland Lacrosse | Coach Application Form

Personal Details

Your Full Name:

Your Address:

Your Country of Residence:

Your Phone Number (including Country Code):

Your Email:

Are you a member of Ireland Lacrosse?

Do you wish to be considered for the Head Coach position only, or do you also wish to be considered for an Assistant Coach position?
Head CoachAssistant CoachBoth

Interest in Coaching position with Ireland Lacrosse

Please describe the reasons why you are interested in the Head Coach position with the Irish national lacrosse team:

Background and Experience

Please outline in specific detail how you meet the criteria as advertised for the Head Coach position. Responses should be provided in the relevant text boxes below and should refer to the advertised criteria.

Coaching Experience and Qualifications

Please outline in detail your coaching experience, including dates/time periods, level (secondary school / high school, college, international) and any relevant qualifications (both coaching-specific and any general qualifications):

Experience with Ireland Lacrosse

Please outline any experience with Irish lacrosse, including any involvement with any Irish national lacrosse team or any other activity related to Irish lacrosse:

Additional Information

Please provide any additional information that you think would be useful in considering your application:

Please confirm your availability to attend the tournament for this team, the details of which are noted in
the advertisement for the Head Coach position.

Note that only correctly completed applications submitted through this form will be accepted. Please do not send letters or copies of CVs/Resumes to any member of Ireland Lacrosse.

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