DUBLIN – The Irish Lacrosse Foundation has announced dates for the two selection camps for the 2010 Men’s
National Team that will represent Ireland at the Federation of International Lacrosse World
Championships in Manchester, England on 10-24 July, 2010.
The first camp will be at University College Dublin (UCD) in Ireland on Saturday, 13 June 2009.
The second camp will be at the US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY, USA on Sunday,
13 September 2009.
To be eligible for the team, candidates must:
1) Be a member of the Irish Lacrosse Foundation.
2) Register and participate at one of these two selection camps.
3) Possess an Irish passport. The Irish Embassy or Consulate in your area can best answer
questions regarding passport eligibility. *A limited number of spots are open for non
passport holders who meet the Federation of International Lacrosse eligibility criteria
listed at http://www.irishlacrossefoundation.org “Contact Us” navigation bar.
4) Be willing to participate in Irish Lacrosse Foundation fundraising and other activities to
continue the development of lacrosse in Ireland.
*As part of the Foundation’s commitment to the development of lacrosse in Ireland, team
selection will seek to insure that a minimum of 50 percent of the players on the roster are
Ireland based.
Players selected for the 2010 Ireland Men’s National Team will be required to attend a training
camp in Dublin on 8-10 January, 2010.
For more information and/or to register, contact John Cavanaugh, National Team Director, at
JTCAV@aol.com, or Michael Kennedy, Foundation Vice President, at michael.e.kennedy@ucd.ie
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