2014 Ireland Lacrosse AGM Notice

Details of the Ireland Lacrosse 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) announced!

The 2014 AGM will take place on Friday, 11th April 2014 from 7-9pm at University College Dublin in Room 116 in the Agriculture Building (see map at http://www.ucd.ie/maps/UCD_Map_2014.pdf, with the Agriculture Building labelled as #2 at D6/7).

The meeting is being held the evening before the final ILL Gameday of the season, which takes place on Saturday, 12th April in Dublin.  Later that Saturday night there will be the Annual ILL Awards Night.

The agenda for the AGM will include:

Election to Ireland Lacrosse Executive Board positions (note all positions are for 1 year only and are therefore up for election annually – nominations are solicited and voted on at the AGM)

  • Irish Lacrosse League (ILL) 2014-2015 planning
  • National Team(s) tournaments
  • Coaching Development
  • Financial Report

Any member of Ireland Lacrosse may submit an item for inclusion on the agenda of the AGM by submitting the item name and a brief description in writing via email to the Secretary to the Executive Board, Michael Kennedy (mkennedy@irelandlacrosse.ie).  Submissions must be received by 5pm on Tuesday, 8th April to be included on the AGM agenda.